1. Branding Questionnaire

Thank You for Choosing Berlime Solutions

In this questionnaire, you will share with us some keywords, colours that relates to your brand.

Injecting personal emotions of what you want your audience to experience.

Keep in mind that it is best to provide as much detail as possible.
This way, our designers will implement the best structure for your industry, audience and services you provide.

Let’s Now Start with the first part which is “Understanding Your Brand’s Personality”

In this section, you will share with us some keywords that relates to brand. Injecting personality into your brand allows customers alike to be attracted to what you do, your values and most importantly, trust in what you do.

Awesome! Next, is about “Understand Your Customer”

In this section, we want to understand your customers – the problems they are facing and how your brand is going to support them.

The information that you will provide allows us to identify the right mood from the customer’s perspective.

Almost there! Now tell me more “About Your Market Space”

This allows us to better understand your market + competition. We want to make sure that we steer away from anything similar to theirs, and also making sure you are unique in the industry.

Just a little bit more…

This is the final part of the questionnaire. You will now let me know what are your “Logo Applications”

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